Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy

Tomas Alfredson, UK, 2011o


Recently-retired MI6 agent, George Smiley is doing his best to adjust to a life outside the secret service until a disgraced agent reappears with information concerning a mole at the heart of the service. Smiley is drawn back into the murky field of espionage, tasked with investigating which of his trusted former colleagues has chosen to betray him and their country. Smiley narrows his search to four suspects – all experienced, skilled and successful agents – but past histories, rivalries and friendships make it far from easy to pinpoint the man who is eating away at the heart of the British establishment.

Diese Neuverfilmung von John Le Carrés Roman ist eine brillante Studie über die Entzauberung, die Kompromisse und die Spannungen des Spionagegeschäfts der 1970er Jahre: ein schwereloser Zeitlupen-Alptraum, der sich in einem mit Giftgas statt Wasser gefüllten Aquarium abspielt. Ich fand ihn mitreissender als jeden Crash-Bang-Action-Film, und er ist verankert in Gary Oldmans Verkörperung diese tragischen Mandarins, der George Smileys kühle Unbekümmertheit angesichts der drohenden Gewalt hervorkehrt. (…) Was für ein Genuss, was für ein unerwarteter Nervenkitzel.

Peter Bradshaw

Un épatant travail de reconstitution. C'est justement là la beauté du film. Ce décorum envahissant, cette criarde modestie du tweed, sont au diapason des personnages, papys tranquilles menant une guerre d'autant plus redoutable qu'elle est feutrée.

Vincent Ostria

Savourer, s'en régaler même, combler ainsi notre "espionnophilie", le goût des intrigues ouatées et du suspense, c'est une certitude... Autant que prendre conscience du niveau de maîtrise atteint par Tomas Alfredson et de sa stupéfiante troupe d'acteurs british.

Aurélien Férenczi


indiewire.com, 12/6/2011
All rights reserved indiewire.com. Provided by indiewire.com Archiv
Variety, 9/4/2011
All rights reserved Variety. Provided by Variety Archiv
All rights reserved critic.de. Provided by critic.de Archiv
All rights reserved Süddeutsche Zeitung. Provided by Süddeutsche Zeitung Archiv
aVoir-aLire.com, 3/19/2013
All rights reserved aVoir-aLire.com. Provided by aVoir-aLire.com Archiv
Former CIA Operative Explains How Spies Use Disguises | WIRED
/ Wired
en / 10/21/2018 / 9‘24‘‘

Interview with Gary Oldman & Mark Strong
/ DP/30: The Oral History of Hollywood
en / 12/7/2011 / 32‘36‘‘

Interview with director Tomas Alfredson & screenwriter Peter Straughan
/ DP/30: The Oral History of Hollywood
en / 12/14/2011 / 33‘11‘‘

Interview with author John le Carré
/ TheVerke
en / 8/14/2012 / 14‘45‘‘

Video Essay: Sound Design in Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy
/ Georg Rockall-Schmidt
en / 12/22/2018 / 2‘41‘‘

Documentary: The Spy Who Went Into The Cold
/ Timeline
en / 7/11/2017 / 72‘35‘‘

Toby Jones reads from John le Carré's Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy
From / Guardian Culture
en / 4‘23‘‘

Movie Datao

Other titles
Dame, König, As, Spion DE
La Taupe FR
Drama, Crime/Thriller
Running time
127 Min.
Original languages
English, Russian
ØYour rating7.2/10
IMDB user:
7.0 (218757)
7.6 (25)
7.6 (5) q

Cast & Crewo

Gary OldmanGeorge Smiley
John HurtControl
Kathy BurkeConnie Sachs


Former CIA Operative Explains How Spies Use Disguises | WIRED
Wired, en , 9‘24‘‘
Interview with Gary Oldman & Mark Strong
DP/30: The Oral History of Hollywood, en , 32‘36‘‘
Interview with director Tomas Alfredson & screenwriter Peter Straughan
DP/30: The Oral History of Hollywood, en , 33‘11‘‘
Interview with author John le Carré
TheVerke, en , 14‘45‘‘
Video Essay: Sound Design in Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy
Georg Rockall-Schmidt, en , 2‘41‘‘
Documentary: The Spy Who Went Into The Cold
Timeline, en , 72‘35‘‘
Review indiewire.com
Eric Kohn
Review Variety
Leslie Felperin
Review critic.de
Robert Zimmermann
Review Süddeutsche Zeitung
Susan Vahabzadeh
Review aVoir-aLire.com
Camille Lugan
Toby Jones reads from John le Carré's Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy
Guardian Culture / en / 4‘23‘‘
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